I Have Eyes, Therefore I See
I love the internet, I do. When at work, I have fun in the non-work parts (anytime the phone doesn't ring, which actually happens at times) and explore all the newness happening everyday (on what my buddy Mike would call 'the interwebs,' haha..) I kid. But all joking aside; check out TechCrunch once in a while. If you love gadgets and Twitter and general Google Magic, I think you'll love that site.
That was the recommendation of the day. Check.

My new gym is the exact opposite, and the words 'premium' and 'high-end' are used everywhere (so is the price, by the way, and the $110 a month really cuts into more than the body fat). You enter the gym, and you're greeted by former or current blond model babes of the fitness world - the kind that look like they're posing for a glam shot on the cover of Women's Health when swiping your membership card. The showers aren't showers, they're raaaaain showers (*sigh*). The changing rooms are, though, equipped with 3 different kinds of unisex saunas (can you name more than two kinds?) and a cold spring for cooling down inbetween the included pampering. The gym itself is no worse, sporting at least 4 machines in 3 different brands (ranging from fully assisted to the bar bell/weight plate type machines). Parading around in the various rooms are so-called "Motivators," whose only job is to get you re-energized and pumped for a workout, and of course the Adonis-like personal trainers who are there just to make the guys feel worse about themselves than they already do. The many classes range from fancy Yoga Karaguladingdongwhatnot to cycling/bike classes, except the latter is spelled "Xycling" and obviously the coolest class to take.
I do appreciate my new female personal trainer, though, who really seems dedicated to my fitness and achievement of my goals (plus, obviously, she ain't an uggo). My new diet, derived mostly from the incredible wealth of knowledge found in Men's Health, includes mostly veggies and tuna, whole grain pasta and fruit, and of course the daily 5 cups of coffee to handle work without ADD meds (yay). I am shaping up, though, and the definition of my muscles and midsection (I think I might see a 2-pack or a 4-pack down there somewhere, lol) is growing more apparent every time I work out. I even take my vitamins and so on, as we all like faster recuperation after an intense run/lift/whatever combo.

That actually concludes my shift at work this great Saturday (I get paid double for working 10-2 on Saturdays, yay! That means double my hourly $23, haha) - which goes to show how much I had to do today.
Stay cool. Stay warm. Till next time.
Labels: Exercise, Links, Personal Issues, Ponderings, Work
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