Why Ambition is Such a Killjoy
(Before you read this, expecting stuff about my recent Miami trip, let me warn you. This is about something more abstract, but will be followed in a few days with a bigger Miami-post)I've been thinking, and I have one big want in life. I want to be unambitious. I want whatever drives me to aspire higher and not have a regular, 9-5 life to go away. And I'd love for my ego to be fine with that. College life is so many things to people, from fun and carefree, to an everyday hassle and struggle just to keep one's head above academic water. Since I landed in SD, with the exception of that amazing Boundary Waters trip and chilling in Beresford, my life has been the latter, and it's not pleasant. As I wrote in one of my previous posts, I want my life to contain more living, and less fast-forwarding to the good parts. Making every moment, every day count for something. And that seems very hard to do nowadays. Classes have me working my tail section off for scraps (the scraps being less than stellar grades since I have 3 major science classes on my plate at the same time), and the fun times never seem to last long or even exist at times. That's not how college was intended.
I frequently hear people, older people, talk fondly about their wild and carefree college days when they never had to cook or pay bills, never had to think about much else than writing a paper now and then, before spending the weekend (or week) drinking with their friends. But they must not have been pre-med, and they can't possibly have been Augie science students. I see my own college life in contrast, and see how I go to bed at 1 am almost every day, but not because I have fun or party. I always have 146 pages to read or problems to solve, and the bad conscience that comes with letting go once in a while puts a wet blanket on any fun times that might be had. That's when I fantasize that my life minus ambition might very well be a happier one.

Labels: College Stuff, Personal Issues, Ponderings
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