Short and Somewhat Sour
To begin with, I have to admit a defeat of mine. I might have (okay, you know this, because you have it right here on the blog, so I won't pretend it just 'might' have happened) audaciously claimed that I would write one blog post for every day of this very month. And I failed writing more than three, hahaha.. Oh, I don't care. That was an unrealistic goal, and would've made for an incredibly boring reading for you, the reader.. So, in effect, I actually did us all a favor by being lazy (or busy, or both). See how I just gave it a positive spin? :PWhat's up with me nowadays? That is a hard one to answer. I am conflicted, like the rest of humanity, and I have so much going on on various fronts I have no idea how to make it all mesh with my schedule and succeed in everyday life at the same time. My cousin was born a few weeks back, and I still haven't found the time to come see the baby. I have two finals (not just one like everyone else in my class, because I didn't take the last one in March) that I need to study (a whole lot) for. I need to work 3-4 times a week, mostly 7 hours shifts, and at the same time find the time to study. I have to get in touch with Hawai'i Pacific University very soon, because I intend to attend summer school there beginning in the end of June. I need to pay bills, buy groceries, update Facebook and Blogger, schedule doctor's and dentist's appointments, send 2 packages to the US, and I have to do laundry and keep in touch with my amazing sunshine, Alicia. Getting my gym membership, school attendance, and finding time to being social is just an added nuisance on the list of stuff I have to do before the beginning of June.
So, that was a pretty stupid question for you to ask, huh? Now you got my whole present-day status, and I don't mean the one tiny sentence you get to squeeze in on Facebook from time to time. You just got the big lowdown, haha..
Anyways.. I wasn't planning on writing this much, but it just pours out of me when I get started. Now I'll finish this with a picture special, from May 17th.

That do you like? :P
Labels: Everyday, Minor Updates, Personal Issues, Pictures
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