Signing Off, America

I never thought I would be one of the people to say this, but life never goes according to plan. When I first arrived in the US on August 19th of last year, to live in the US for the second time in my life, I was absolutely sure it would be years upon years before I would ever call Norway my formal home again. I arrived in Sioux Falls after ten days in Arizona, and was suddenly struck by the contrasts this country has to offer. And this time, contrasts would turn out to be a bad thing. South Dakota, a fairly unpopulated farm and prairie state, would in fact end up being so different from my beloved Arizona, that living here longer than I have is inconceivable. I pondered the options long and well, but eventually reached the conclusion that Norway is where I belong, at least for the time being. I decided to return home, and now I have only hours till my plane leaves. I will, as odd as it may sound, miss certain aspects of being here though, and some I have mentioned below.
My trip to Arizona and Las Vegas. I've been to
both places many times before, but I always enjoy going there.
Our trip to the Black Hills. The Black Hills are a region of western South Dakota, where Donn took the whole group of newly arrived international students back in September. We went to see Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument, as well as hiking to the top of the lookout spot Harney Peak and one of the Black Hills. The trip was a truly social one, where I got to know both Victor, Kei and Markus better.
My trip to Chicago. I went there to
attend an ANSA meeting, which I was a contact person for this year. We went sightseeing in the city, had meetings, ate out every evening, went to an authentic jazz club, and basically had fun in my second most favorite American city. It was just a weekend, but truly felt longer.
Trip to New York in October. Victor and I, Marianne, and the three Norwegian soccer girls here went to
the Big Apple, and spent 5 full days sightseeing everything there was to see. Victor and I took off on our own, and found some pretty neat local places and sights away from the tourist crowds. The trip was my second one to NY, but this time I really got to see and experience the city. The company was fun, and we all enjoyed the stuff we saw and did.
Thanksgiving in Arizona. I love
this season, and of course I love my host family. A good combination. We had the authentic meal, and the whole feeling of being back in their family again, which was great. And the best way of celebrating Thanksgiving.
Going home to Norway for Christmas. I went back to see my mom, dad, brother, and friends, something I never did while in Arizona. A good change of pace, and fun to see all the people again. And of course, great to celebrate Christmas and New Years with my family. I might not have gotten a hold of Thomas, but in return I had many fun days with Julie while I was home.
Roadtrip to Iowa. This last semester has been pretty much uneventful, but this was
pretty fun. Not so much because of where we went, but because I got to drive the whole way there, more than 600 miles in all. I got my driver's license shortly after.
LOST evenings and coffee shop nights. From one of the first weeks we were here, Victor and I started the tradition of meeting in the East tv-room (actually 5 monthes before I even lived there) to watch Lost every Wednesday. Being a social and fun break from our everyday lives, Marianne and I carried it on after Victor left in December. Coffee shop nights were started sometime in the beginning of this semester, and have also become a fun Thursday getaway with Kristin, Ashley, Ambie, Jennapher, Denise, Jenni, Maren, and the rest of the gang.
The hospital volunteering. Ever since
I started working in the ER, I have finally found something I love doing, and gotten myself back on track again. It's been very interesting, and I truly got a lot from wandering around in my blue scrubs, observing all the special cases, finally getting to help people.

A few hours ago I was wandering happily across campus, joyfully listening to the Jason Mraz tunes in my head and just feeling the very relaxation I have lacked since.. well, since after spring break. Then it suddenly struck me. The campus, usually filled with people walking hurriedly back and forth from their classes, to lunch, or to hang with friends, was now suddenly eerily empty. I found myself being the only one walking anywhere, a fact that just then sank in. The day I have been wishing for since January has somehow managed to sneak up on me, and I can't say I was prepared even though I wanted it to come as badly as I did. Throughout the past few days people have been showing actual sadness over me leaving, something that made me sad to. I did, after all, have friends here, and for a moment I pondered how bad it really was, this place. I will still rush onto the airplane today, practically running to make sure I don't get left behind in this town, but this time I do so with a greater deal of melancholy. I truly wish the people whose paths have crossed mine a fantastic, accomplished life, and all the best, even though reality has it that I probably will see very few of them ever again.
275 days is a long time anywhere. And now I have concluded mine, with its many ups and downs. I'm ready to come home now, with whatever that might bring.
That was it for now, America.
I'm off.
Labels: Era Summaries, Major Updates, Pictures
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