CK in the ER (Just Call Me Doctor)

Yeah! That's right. I'm truly excited now. I'm going to start my first medically related job ever, and guess what? I landed one in the ER in the largest hospital in Sioux Falls! Amazing. Being a volunteer employee 12 hours a week in the busiest, most critical part of the hospital will certainly give me valuable experience, as well as a chance to be part of and observing the adrenaline pumping life-and-death traumas that take place there. Seeing doctors and nurses in action, helping them out in any way I legally can, is going to be so fantastically fascinating I can hardly wait. I am prepared though, and I should be, for the many horrifying, blood-gushing, gut-wrenching situations that are bound to take place in a place like that (where else?), and I understand that this job will be very different physically and mentally from the front desk receptionist position I was first offered. Cool, though, and important, in that I get a pointer on my future ability and wish to tackle such situations.

This Friday I went to the hospital to find out what jobs were available to me, and before my meeting I had a few minutes to spend. I went up on the top of the parking complex, and got a great view of the whole hospital campus. Then, about a 100 feet from where I was standing, on a different hospital roof, a medical helicopter started up its engines. Slowly and steadily it started to take off, and then flew right over where I was standing and off into the horizon. A great way to start your day at a hospital.

I know, and have always known (even though I like the drama anyways) that the tv-show ER is fictional in many ways, but I have always believed that reality can beat whatever clever tv-writers can make up.
Avera McKennan hospital, here I come, and let's hope I like it.
Labels: Medical, News
Ah, det høres dødstøft ut! Beklager dypt og inderlig at jeg er verdens verste sopp til å sende mail. Når jeg får ut fingern (i den nærmeste fremtid) lover jeg å sende noen ord om hva som skjer i gamlelandet (Thea-land). I mellomtiden vil jeg bare vite at jeg ikke har glemt deg og at jeg savner deg masse og at jeg leser din informative vev-bok riktig så ofte. Happy times. Klemmer Thealea
Ooog at jeg gratulerer masse med dagen på etterkant! Dor dutt:)
Grattis kompis!!! Det blir gøy, ja grattis med bursdag også... eller har jeg sagt det før? uansett, bedre sent/dobbelt enn aldri! :) Ja hvordan er east da? liker du deg der fortsatt??? Kyle er ok? og alt det der? Du får hilse han fra meg hvis du ser han en dag...
Ellers så skriver jeg oppgave om dagen da vet du... er litt stagnasjon om dagen... men regner med å kommer over det snart... :)
Så bilde av deg her om dagen... ute å spilte fotball? var det virkelig deg? trodde ikke du spilte fotball jeg... jeg trodde vi lissom var enige om å ikke like fotball... jaja, men hva gjør man ikke for å være litt sosial... :)
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