Whatcha' Doin'?

I have a couple of contemporary joys nowadays. I'm working in the international office here on campus, for the director who's gone on a trip to Norway and who won't be back until February. I've been sat to make him websites (3 to be exact), on the topics Studying Abroad, the organization "South Dakota Sons of Norway", and lastly a webiste where guests can sign up to join some events the school's hosting in Norway. All great fun, but not nearly enough to fill 80 hours of work (equaling 2 weeks of 9-5 working, and 2 credit hours on my report card). Hence (and I sincerely hope my boss doesn't read this, but I'll tell you nevertheless) I get a lot of time to listen to music and surf the triple w's. Fun, and somewhat repetitive and boring when I don't have anything to do, but a good way of getting those precious two credits for internship work.
I moved, too, I haven't told ya that, to the north side of campus (where all the "big kids" live), and to a residence hall that's so-called "unassisted living", i.e. party-hardy and with more responsibility left up to the individual. Joy. My room's a little small and dungeon-like, though, even despite the fact that it's on the 4th floor (the very top, my "penthouse", hahaha). A friend of mine, Landon, is moving next week, to Honduras to join the Peace Corps, and that's when I swoop in and take over his room. It's bigger, in better shape, and actually square. It even has a little 'balcony', a wide ledge on the top of the roof accessed from the window, where you can sit and ponder life's big issues (like I need more of that) while taking in the flat, South Dakotan landscape and the sunrise. I'll post pictures on Saturday, after moving in.
Hold your breath.
Labels: Everyday, Minor Updates, News
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