Bright Prospects
Sometimes I guess taking too long to decide something actually hurts more than it can ever be helpful, in that overthinking and overanalyzing things tends to crush the options before they get a chance to truly show their true colors. For the people I haven't already told; the jury has reconvened and the verdict is in.
I am moving back to Norway, and staying there for what now seems like the rest of my twenties, maybe longer.The 'roots', mentioned in the previous post, as well as factors such as cost, comfort, psychological stability, peace of mind, love of Norway, the security of being 'home', Norwegian food, language and people, Oslo, and of course the freedom that comes with having citizenship in the country where you live and have always lived all had a part in my decision. Hawai'i and Kansas will either have to wait till another time or join the ranks of the "would-have-been"s, because for now I'm coming home. Thanks go out to Julie, my dad and brother for helping me keep my priorities straight.

In related, happy news is the event of me finally
getting my driver's license! It cost me a total of $2, which is 14 kroner, and was conceived this Tuesday, after a somewhat nervous (not all that nervous when I learned it took 10 minutes, but hey) driving test at 8:30 am. And yes, I did put a different picture in the drivers license pic to the right, because the real one.. well, not so much.

More good news, for me that is, seeing as the weather in Sioux Falls has taken a record turn. Starting last week, and still going even stronger, are the sunny, 80 degree days that have settled on our campus. 80 degrees is something like 27 degrees Celsius, so this is truly great. And now we're on the second break of the month, Easter break for 4 days, so this is working out perfectly. Summer's found its way to SooFoo, and I'm not complaining. This is sweet!
Dedicating the rest of the post to pics I felt like sharing. Have a happy Easter!!
A 'Victor style' picture of some of the newfound summer fun.
What a throwing arm!
You know you love the fluffy squirrels. You know you do.
Welcome back to the birds. Welcome to summer.
Either I fell, or trying to be artistic. Probably the latter.
The AZ familiy sent me this dog as part of my birthday present back in February. Notice the heart inscription.Labels: News, Pictures
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