Sunday, May 07, 2006

Recognition - Not So Much

Oh, I suck bigtime. Kristin, Ashley, Ambie, and I went to coffe shop again tonight, which is somewhat out of the ordinary since we usually go every Thursday only. The thing was, though, that after a little more than an hour there, I mess up totally. We were leaving through the front door, outside of which a group of people were sitting, talking. I pay no attention to the group walking past them - it was dark and I get a touch of tunnel vision when leaving places, just wanting to get home as soon as possible - before someone in the group suddenly says "Doctor?" in our direction. I totally blank out on the first time she said it, and the second time I stop and turn around. For what wasn't more than a few seconds, but felt like minutes, I stare blankly at the group, not recognizing any of them. They're all quiet now, and there I am, staring. And not recognizing anyone. I turn away again, thinking it was probably not meant for me, but then the same girl takes off her hood, and says it again. "Doctor?"

Puzzling. But then, suddenly I get it, it all comes back to me. A few weeks ago, I met this girl in the ER, an EMT student, and we spent the whole day telling internal jokes and cracking each other up. And one of these had to do with calling each other 'doctor' in a British accent. And I had just then blanked on the whole thing. After telling her I'd call her and that I still had her number, I got in the car and felt like the biggest, most socially awkward idiot on the planet. I suck.

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