Sunday, April 22, 2007

House MD, and the Joy of Random Lists

I'm sitting here fantastically numb. I just got done watching episode 1.18 of House MD, entitled "Babies and Bathwater". And it was sooo good!

It features some pretty gripping and heartwrenching choices having to be made by a young, married couple over their unborn child, and of course a intriguing twist that has to be handled by Dr. House and his team of specialists. If you've never had the chance to watch this amazing show before, this is your chance. Every episode is conclusive, so you might as well start out by watching one that you know is especially good. And it's good; I'm not gonna lie, I might even have become a little teary-eyed by the end of this one. Maybe it's just me, but some situations just get to me every time, and this episode featured one such plight, artfully depicted by accomplished guest actors in addition to the show's regular, genius cast. After, or before, watching this one, you should watch episode 1.21 ("Acceptance") too, as this one really shows you the funny side of the show.

As you might have heard (through the grapevine, grape juice, or otherwise), I have a minor sleep rhythm issue going on nowadays. The extreme traits of my B-personality (going to bed late/waking up late) have skewed the sleep schedule to its default position time after time, which in societies like ours is considered a problem as everything is tailored to the schedules of those who go to bed early and wake up just as early. The other day I managed to literally fall asleep during a conversation while catching up with a long lost friend of mine, Sabrin, after having stayed up for 34 hours in order for me to restore a healthier sleep pattern. And today I managed to fall asleep on the couch in the break room at work while on my five minute break, and ended up sleeping for close to 15 minutes in there, until being woken up by a co-worker.. Wow, I'm a mess. Now one of my Easter Resolutions (there is such a thing, see a later post) is to restore a 11-8 sleeping habit, and thus managing the rest of my life a little better. Sleeping at weird times gives rise to a whole host of problems, most based on the fact that the rest of my friend circle and most of society is waking up by the time I go to bed. And last time I checked, everyone still needs to interact with other people to make things happen, in one's life or just to be productive. There is, however, fortunately no effect derived from this on my body mass or weight, as it has more or less been proven that eating at night doesn't cause weight gain. One thing it does do, though, is to make me so distracted and unfocused I don't perform as well as I should at school or work, and that in and of itself is a problem to be reckoned with. It's a work in progress, but I 'm pretty confident I'll win the fight against that 'craving for moonlight', and that all I need to accomplish just that is to realize how serious the consequences of the opposite actually are.

I am, as you might have derived from this, up late yet again, and thus have some ponderings (from the previously mentioned Awareness phase, remember?) to share with you. I have grown pretty fond of the lists, and especially the ones bulleted with the circles (never mind), so I will organize my very disorganized thoughts in just that way. Some of the points will surely be revisited later, in their own posts.

  • I love the show House, MD. I really do. Did I maybe share that already?

  • I miss certain people from Augie a whole lot, and find myself smiling at some random memory almost daily. Kei Takizawa's antics and attempts to teach me Japanese, for example, and the precious coffee shop nights with the gang (Kristin, Ashley, Denise, Amber, Jennapher, Jenni, Lauren, Maren). And I miss Philosophy 110 with O'Hara, hahaha… I do!

  • I also miss the small things, like singing the Daphnia song with Kayla, or going to the Commons to eat in the early afternoon when it's almost empty.

  • Of course, I miss Alicia most of all.

  • I love my new apartment (pics to come), and, of course, my new room. And I love the new fabric softener I have, which makes my clothes all smell so incredibly fresh and …clean. I get carried away with the little things.

  • I hate doing the dishes (and by hate I mean the kind of hate I have for celery… just imagine). And I shouldn't be trusted around plants, because apparently my presence somehow kills them. Or is it my absence..?
  • I am somewhat worried about my future as a medical professional. The thing is, there's no way the brain can keep all the world's medically relevant facts, there must be some memory limit to things like that. Most medicine is very complex, and it's all connected to each other in specific ways, where it's all more a web of causes and effects than a clear and exclusive chain. One symptom, 100 possibilities, even more tests, and the one could be causing the other or vice versa. It's beautifully complex, that's all.

  • After getting my own place, the concept of shelf life has taken on a whole new meaning. Refrigerated items don't have a very long shelf life here, for some reason. In the US, refrigerated things have usually also undergone the infusion of a vaster array of chemicals than any 40 year old drug addict goes through in a lifetime, and thus keeps fresh for mysterious amounts of time. I don't want my milk to outlive me. It's just not biologically comfortable. But then again, the Norwegian stuff can't even handle a few days in the fridge before starting to go bad, and that can't be right either… There must be a middle ground?

  • Whistling is really fun, and I enjoy it a lot. But, when other people do it, it's so incredibly irritating. Somehow I feel that whistling invades my personal sphere or something, and it just hits me as real arrogant behavior when out in public.. Loud, high-pitched sounds like that are a way for some to show dominance over other people, and thus annoys the heck out of me if I don't know the person.. Weird, huh?

  • Lastly, I'm dreaming of taking a good, ol' road trip on the long and scenic US highways and byways some day. In an open convertible, roof down, sun shining.. Ah, how great wouldn't that be?

Okay, so I took the whole list thing a little too seriously, and ended up with a semi-list/semi random paragraphs thing. But, cut me some slack here. It's 4am, and I probably won't piece together more lists after this one. Next time, maybe I'll use a table?


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