Monday, May 02, 2005

Senioritis, Russ, and Marriage

Ahh. What a couple of weeks! And it's not all good, might I tell you. First of all, my mom got married! Can you believe that? Married! And seeing as there are some rather sad (and/or tragic, depends on how you see it) circumstances, I don't feel like commenting it. All the world (that beest thou, my confidante) needs to know, is that my mom got married. And then I conveniently change the subject.

I was bit by the devilish senioritis-bacteria a couple of weeks ago, and that's a couple of weeks before the actual, permitted, "time of senioritis", or the Norwegian celebration called "Russ", kicked in. But I had all the exams I was supposed to, though with a rather diverse outcome. The Norwegian exams I got back today, and now I'd like the teacher to animalize, break down, corrupt, crumble, debase, debauch, decay, decline, decompose, degenerate, demoralize, deprave, descend, deteriorate, disimprove, disintegrate, fester, go bad, go downhill, languish, molder, perish, putrefy, retrograde, waste away, and wither in the worst place imaginable. He's the kind of teacher who doesn't know what the heck he's talking about and still doesn't want to even consider your point of view, and who just sees your name on the top of an essay and grades it before he's even read it. While drinking wine, don't forget that, and then he tells the whole world afterwards, just how freakin' drunk he got the same weekend he was supposed to grade our papers. OOOH, that man annoys me so bad I can hardly control what I want to write about him. But before I write something in the direction of something that's slanderous or libelous, I'll leave it at that.

Okay, I was talking about "Russ". This wonderful, Norwegian celebration when you're hardly expected to show up at school, or much less pay attention when you do, and when you get to go to parties (can be compared to graduation parties) in the middle of the week and when you get to do as many pranks as you want to get different knots in the band on your "russ"-cap. It's all connected to the national day, May 17th, and then there's a whole parade for all the "Russ" in addition to the children's parades. Jolly fun. Truly.

I think that's about it. I'll keep you updated on the grades of my exams and stuff, and then I'll go and be irresponsible. See ya!


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