2010 - The Year of 101 New Adventures

1. Create a list of 100 Things that make me happy/I’m thankful for (0/100)
2. Create a list of 100 Things about me (0/100)
3. Start training martial arts.
4. Get re-certified as an EMT.

6. Visit a museum.
7. See an actual live play in a theater.
8. Work out every day consecutively for 30 days.
9. Learn to play either guitar or piano.
10. Attend a surprise party (or throw one).
11. Make at least 1 movie with After Effects, the special effects program.
12. Go on a camping trip to the remote wilderness with friends for more than 3 days.
13. Go to Vegas, Hangover style!
14. Attain that elusive sixpack.
15. Attend summer school in a place other than Sioux Falls.
16. Write a book (must be more than 50 pages).
17. Transfer colleges; go to a big state university for educational diversity.
18. Have a TV-show marathon with at least 2 friends (any good show).
19. Visit Norway and family there.

21. Go on a real Spring Break to Mexico with friends.
22. Embark on at least 3 road trips per semester (must be more than 80 miles or 1.5 hour long).
23. Walk through the streets of Sioux Falls in the spring and take pictures of anything never seen before.
24. Visit my newborn ‘nephew’ in Arizona.
25. Try out a new hair style or color that I’ve never tried, for more than a week.
26. Have a night of outrageous pickup-lines with a buddy in bars, just for fun.
27. Celebrate May 17th in style (or at least traditionally).
28. Have sushi at least twice.
29. Sing karaoke in a bar/at a party, and for at least one full song.
30. Lose the caffeine habit, for good.
31. Experiment in the kitchen, discover a new dish to make others.
32. Keep in touch with Julie and Thomas over Skype – set up weekly/bi-weekly time.

34. Drink a gallon of water per day for a month.
35. Visit the dentist.
36. On the preceding note: floss every day.
37. No eating after 9 pm.
38. Take a multivitamin once a day the whole year.
39. Get a WoW-character to level 40. At least.
40. Get four As in the same semester.
41. Go on 10 random dates. Without care.
42. Print Norway photos for Mike, and give them while he’s still here.
43. Finish Adobe After Effects training (DVD).
44. Attend a theme party.
45. Read 4 books for fun (1/4)
46. Go to 2 live concerts.

48. Rosetta Stone: re-learn French to level 3 (minimum).
49. Rosetta Stone: Learn some Japanese (min. level 2).
50. Get all episodes of Heroes on DVD.
51. Order the cologne I used to wear from Europe.
52. Get 10 random girls’ number.
53. Try to have three real days as a Yes Man.
54. Send two handwritten letters, to anyone back home.
55. Fix up my car: floor mats, wash and scrub rugs, vacuum and wash the car. Buy a spare.
56. Develop a system of healthy foods and snacks to eat, and only stray once a week.
57. Visit a city I’ve never been to, by myself or with friends. Stay for at least a day.
58. Manage to save money: $300 per semester.
59. Watch movies I missed: The Star Wars saga, and at least 5 more (0/6).
60. Get a medically relevant job (i.e. ambulance, hospital, nursing home).
61. Back up all music and pictures on DVD storage in addition to the external hard drive.
62. Donate blood (in Norway or the US).
63. Clear out my wardrobe and give leftovers to charity.
64. Volunteer at a hospital, with hands-on patient care.

67. Surprise someone in my life with a random act of kindness.
68. Learn to dance (ballroom, Latino, and club style).
69. Ask for help, and stand by it.
70. Admit being wrong, without reserve.
71. Sleep under the stars.
72. Keep working on the family tree, genealogy, with grandma.
73. Learn how to make 3 great drinks by heart.
74. Learn how to master either Rock Band or Guitar Hero.
75. Go rock climbing outdoors.
76. Learn 2 cool magic tricks.
77. Become really good at Blackjack or poker.
78. Study and take the MCAT.
79. Make a loan through kiva.com.

A. Citizen Kane81. Spend a day only reading magazines. Because I can.
B. Casablanca
C. The Godfather
D. Gone with the Wind
E. Lawrence of Arabia
F. The Wizard of Oz
G. The Graduate
H. On the Waterfront
I. Schindler's List
J. Singin' in the Rain

83. Buy stocks. Maybe just a few, but try it.
84. Phone prank someone. I’ll never be too old.
85. Work on sensitivity training.
86. Try to regain self-control when inebriated, eliminating douchiness.
87. Buy a new phone, preferably the Google Nexus One.
88. Successfully manage an extracurricular organization on campus.

90. See if a philosophy or psychology major or minor would fit me.
91. Make sure my carnivorous plant "Nibbler" doesn't die.
92. Keep in touch with TK.
93. Retake any previously failed classes, this time with an A.
94. Become able to do 10 pull-ups.

96. Cultivate the ability to forgive and forget.
97. Tan twice a month.
98. Read at least 5 classics, including the Art of War.
99. Attain people mastery through Neil Strauss' literature.
100. Play more board games with friends.
101. Always put the needs of friends and family first.
That's the list. Now comes the hard part of living by it.
Labels: College Stuff, Lists, Movies, Special Events, Television
Nice list! :D We'll have to motivate each other ;)
And Japanese huh? Well, I could help you with that, hehe!
How's your list going? ;)
It's a work in progress.. but I'll update the list with a 'done' count sometime this week. :P
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