Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Leaves of Deception

I woke up today with a cold chill running through me. Weird, I thought, since in my mind it's still summer and everything's peachy, but now I had to face the facts. Sure, it's been in the 80's and 90's every day since I got here, and I never really ever saw yellow or red leaves on the ground, but today an awakening had to take place. I exited my building, wearing my normal t-shirt and sweats (notice the sweats, a common college outfit, probably made especially for college students to wear before 11 am), and there it hit me. An ice cold, stinging breeze hit me, and wouldn't let go. I started wondering, thinking that stuff like this never happens during the summer, and began thinking the impossible (but inevitable) thought that maybe it wasn't summer anymore. I looked up at the trees, which I hadn't really noticed before, and was startled by what I saw. Half the leaves on the trees were gone, and the rest had taken on a yellowish green color, signaling their imminent departure for the ground. I realized that the Augie park service had gone to great lengths to deceive us all, removing every little leaf that hit the ground, all before we caught a glimpse of it. Now I've uncovered the illusion, and see that the ultimately inevitable fall season has descended on Sioux Falls as well as my hometown Oslo. The dark season draws closer, and this might be the time to prepare for it, maybe by finding some hobby or whatever, just to stay in the illusion of the never ending summer.

I wish I could have it all. That is, I wish I had some kind of way of choosing where to spend my life on a daily basis, so that I could spend like Mondays in Oslo, Tuesdays in Arizona, and whichever day here. I've started to miss all the weird stuff again, I mean, the last time I was here in the US I did the same thing, I start missing the subway, the annual walk in the woods with my high school class and friends, brown cheese, different people I usually never talked to all that much, weird stuff like that. Of course I miss friends and family as well, but it seems the longing for the weird stuff's more pressing nowadays. Aker Brygge, Karl Johan's street (parade street), and other locations in Oslo, even the morning bus I took to school seems to enter my mind now and then. And I'd love to be back in AZ again as well, in high school or whatever, and being with the Lybberts. I miss them too, and now Tim's leaving for his 2-yr mission in a few days, which is also sad in a way, since I won't be able to see him whenever I visit.

I've started watching ER now, a cool show, and it makes me want to be a doctor more than ever. I kind of lost track for a while, losing sight of exactly why I was busting my behind off for school, but now I remember. I'll keep watching it, not necessarily for the drama, but the medical aspect's just so immensely cool. I get all carried away, almost talking out loud to the TV, like today when Lucy (the medical student who was an intern, much like I envision myself a few years from now) died on the operating table of her colleagues, after being stabbed by an erratic schizophrenic.

Tonight's Lost again, and I have multiple other things to do today. To see what I'm doing from time to time, there's the well updated calendar that you can find in the sidebar. Pictures to come, until then, check out Victor's new pictures of things we've done recently (including a fotball game during Homecoming, Frisbee golf landing our Japanese friend on the roof getting the frisbee, and the incident involving keys in the trunk of a car).


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Det er hvertfall noen ting som ikke har forandret seg, din tv-slave.. ;) Jeg kan sende deg en brunost i posten, jeg..



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