Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Leeeeave, and NEVER come back!

That MemeGen quiz-thingy was interesting at first, but now I've lost interest in the whole concept. Lots of random answers won't give me the answers I seek. A link to the arbitrary thing can be found in the "Links"-section.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Music in my Head

It seems music is one of the things that take up the most space in my head. And today I started philosophically pondering this fascinating concept. What is music? What are the tiny parts that results in the term "music" (Atoms have electrons, protons and neutrons, which again have quarks,but what does music have)? Melodies? Notes? Tones? And how could an array of sounds possibly generate the large specter of feelings that it does? Is music really life prolonging? Is laughter? And why do we all really have such a differentiated taste in music, and why is it connected (is it?) to age? I'll keep pondering, and in the meanwhile I'll just say that I think music and all the human responses connected to it (thought, feelings, moods, health) is what separates us from all the other forms of life in this enormous universe of ours.