Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Smallville Season 4 - 1st episode

YEAH! That was a great episode! Clark comes back from his little journey in the cave wall, and has totally accepted his fate as Kal El. Kal El can fly, and he breaks in to Lex's (who survived being poisoned by Lionel) private jet while in the air and steals an artifact Lex found in a village in the desert. Martha, his mom, with help from Dr. Swan's assistant, brings the real Clark back using black kryptonite, and he explains that he can't remember anything from within the cave wall. Jonathan wakes up the instant Clark's brought back, after 3 months in a coma Jor El was responsible for. Lana's got a new boyfriend in Paris, and has the weirdest experience in a church when she touches a painting. She wakes up the next day and doesn't remember how she got home to the apartment. She also has a weird mark, a tattoo that can't be removed, on her lower back, like the one in the painting (and, might I add, like one of the cave paintings in Smallville)...

Chloe's cousin Lois Lane (hm, the famous Lois has arrived in Smallville; but will it turn out like in "Lois and Clark: Superman"? Let's hope not.) arrives, all in the aftermath of Chloe's supposed death. She's there to investigate the murder, because that's what it was, and Lionel Luthor is the murderer. But, and this is the coolest part: Clark visited the grave with Lois, and curiosity gets the best of him, x-ray vision will do that to you. He x-rays the ground where Chloe's supposed to lie, but no, Chloe's gone and the grave empty. "Lois, Chloe's alive".

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

First Post of the Year - Smallville

Oh, yeah! This is going to be a grrrrrreat year! 2005! New years was okay, I guess, except for a very humiliating experience that only two (I hope) people know about, and that I on my part will keep to myself until I die. Apart from that I had a good time at my friend Thomas' place, and it was a very intimate celebration with only 3 -three- people including myself. Two people left at 10 pm, so the three of us were left to ourselves and entered the new year without any problems. We went up to Thomas' neighbor at the 10th floor, where we could see all of Oslo. What a display of fireworks! Holy crap, the whole city seemed to explode for like half an hour! Outstanding, really.

And then to the big happening these next weeks in my tv-life: the season premiere of Smallville in Norway, Season 4! This one is going to be so cool! From what I can see from the previews, Clark learns to fly, and also meets Lois Lane for the first time. And then the big questions from season 3, like if Chloe survives the explotion and if Lana Lang will return, will probably be answered. Also see my post about the Season 3 last episode. How exciting!

To all my friends and to my American family: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005!!