Cute and Cuddly, boys, Cute and Cuddly

I just can't get Madagaskar off my mind. It just seems so unbelieveably funny, and it doesn't even show in Norway until the 2nd of September! And by then I won't even be here. But the good thing is, though, that I'm going to a country where the movie IS showing; the US. And that's great. But it's still a long wait. Until then I have only one thing on my mind: "The penguins are psychotic!"
Update to Keep in the Loop
So, I go on the internet once in a while, even though I don't have internet access myself, just to check things like my e-mail(s), look for good prices on airline tickets, surf around, and also to check this blog. But, for some reason, it hasn't changed much lately. I DO have two co-writers, but they seem to have quit writing altogether, which is worrying. I've told them they can write whatever they want, about whatever, and they can even angle it in whichever way the feel like. Full editorial rights, in other words. And still no recent posts. Isn't there a lot to write about in this world? Your day, your life, your thoughts, feelings, frustrations, likes and dislikes, the last movie you saw, a movie you'd like to see, political and religious matters, litterature, poems, music, and even sex are all possible topics. Personally I don't have any other problems but time when it comes to posting here, and love doing so. It even serves a therapeutic function, seeing as psycologists recommend writing down whatever you feel to work out different issues, and to put your feelings into words. To me, posting is only a positive experience, and I still don't get why people don't do it more often, too.
About what I really wanted to mention: I just updated the sidebar, and now I've added a section called "Memorable Movie Quotes", where funny and cool quotes from good movies can be found. I started with 7, more to come, of course. Feel free to suggest movies that deserve a place in the listing. Also, I've updated my "Things to Do" list, and also the "TV-show Ranking". I've inevitably lost interest in a couple of the shows and replaced them. Last, I've shortened the "Things to Do" list, and now only things from the past year, 365 days, is included.
That's it for now, and hopefully you'll see more from my two co-writers. About anything.