Welcome Me Back, I'll Be Here for a While
I'm back. From outer space. Or Norway, more accurately. I landed in Phoenix on the 19th of August, after a comfy night at a hotel in London, and after leaving my sad family behind at the airport in Oslo the day before. I had taken two days to pack, mainly because I now was packing for 3 years of college as opposed to a week of vacation.
And while on the subject of vacations; Bulgaria was nice. Temperatures in the 90's, water temp's in the 70's, and long, white beaches made it all worth while. Even though I forgot the one thing that I promised myself I wouldn't forget last summer, that Thomas and I never do well confined to the small space of a hotel room for more than a few days before we start getting on each other's nerves. I think next time (if he'll ever go on vacation with me again, that is), we'll have to bring more people or get separate rooms to make sure we're in an outstanding mood at all times. If not it can get pretty uncomfortable being around each other. Anyway, vacation good, Golden Sands in Bulgaria nice, food okay, people somewhat bothersome, and weather good enough. In short.
After being met on the airport by almost the whole family instead of just Ren as I thought it would be, a pleasant surprise, we all drove to Lakeside. The plane didn't land until 4 pm, and we didn't arrive in Lakeside until 10 pm, since it rained a whole lot and there was a lot of people going home this Friday. On Saturday we all went to the new (to me) El Cupido's in Lakeside (the other ones have been in Pintop and Snowflake, never in Lakeside) for lunch (more like Linner, but okay), which was nice. I love their special ground beef chimichanga with red sauce. And their salsa is good. Anyways, on Sunday Larry had to leave for guard, after church, and we spent the day playing "Rook" and "Oh, Heck".
Monday was a long and interesting day. Tim and I went to play golf at the Silver Creek Golf Course, since Tim had Monday and Tuesday off from Wal-Mart. Our tee time was 11:28 am, and we weren't done playing until 3:30 pm. Being my first time playing, and given that I had to suck at it, I'm proud to say that my handicap is now 108. For those of you who want to know what this means, it means that my average amount of strokes were more than three times the desired (or possible) amount of strokes (par). Thus; I suck. But hey, not every doctor has to golf. Also, I forgot to put sunblock on, so being in Arizona on an open golf course and with more sun than any Norwegian is used to and over 80 degrees, I got sunburned. Badly. I now have bright red arms, legs (I wore shorts. Clever.) and face. My forhead's started to blister, and my muscles are sore like nothing else. Joy.
I'll write again when something significant happens.