Monday, February 14, 2005

The Aviator

Well, yesterday was mother's day here in Norway, and I decided to take my mom to watch a movie and have some dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The food was great, and then, at 8:00 pm it was time for the movie. The feature film at Colosseum, the biggest movie theatre in Oslo, was "The Aviator", so we chose that one. Fortunately.

The movie was amazingly marvelous, and it more than positively surprised me. I was impressed by the convincing acting done by DiCaprio, which I never would have believed before seeing the movie. The story itself was really amazing as well, Howard Hughes was a fascinating person that led an adventurous life. I must say, too, that the director did a great job putting it all together and needs extra appraisal for that accomplishment. This movie certainly deserves every one of the 11 Oscars it's nominated for, and personally I'd give it a blazing 6 (on the scale from 1 to 6).

Friday, February 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm 19!
Yeah! I can't believe this.
One year away from 20. And then 1/5 of my life will be over.
I think I'm experiencing
a bit of age anxiety...

Oh, well, can't sit here and blog while the world awaits my arrival.
Gotta go. Gotta celebrate.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

His Majesty King Farouk I

Now I've finally bought the tickets for my trip to the US, and I'm leaving for Phoenix on February 17, returning on March 2. It's going to much fun, to see my host family and everything again. Just going to Wal*Mart or buying a Taco salad at Taco Bell is going to be great. I'm weird, huh? I don't personally think so, I mean, what's wrong with missing that whole experience?

I want to talk about my cat. I feel I need to tell someone about him, because now my mom's got new cats, two little kittens (not kittens anymore, and I think I truly, strongly dislike them). My cat was born on March 1, 1997. He was named Farouk, after an Egyptian king who reigned for many years down there. We didn't name him, because we got him from a private animal shelter when he was 6 months old, from a woman who had to give away all the cats she had taken in because she was dying from cancer. She told us Farouk was found when he was a kitten alongside the highway, and that he seemed like he had been thrown out the window of a moving car. He traveled in the car with us about 3 times in his whole life, the first time the day we got him, and he was genuinely scared. Not all that weird if you ask me...

When we entered the room with all the cats, I immediately went over to a bunch of tiny, tiny kittens, and called over for my mom to take a look. But she had already found one. Or, should I say, a cat had already found her. Farouk had jumped up on her shoulder, meowing for us to take him with us. And we did, of course, who could resist this elegant, gorgeous, wonderful little cat that had just chosen us?

When entering a room, Farouk would always ignore anyone that called out for him. He would jump up on the highest place in the room, and then he'd respond to people who called his name. This, and other similar behaviors contributed to his extended name, that I personally started calling him, namely "His Majesty King Farouk I". I probably loved the cat more than what people usually love their animals, but hey, who wouldn't. He wasn't only special and loving, he was one of a kind. His Majesty King Farouk I died this fall, and reached the age of 9.

He was part an Abyssinian and a Norwegian house cat, and I will miss him enormously.