Christmas 2004 Wishlist
Here it is. But, and this is important, the wishes are not in any specific order!
Weekend Graphic T-Shirt, by Timberland.
Roundtrip ticket to Phoenix (I don't actually think I'll get this, but I wrote it down anyway).
T-Shirts, I love t-shirts, for example from Timberland.
Smallville - The Complete Seasons 1-3, this goes without saying.
Timberland Boots, preferrably this one or this one or maybe even this one.
Dell Handheld, I love those toys!
Spiderman DVD, yeah!
Sony Notebook, (or Dell of course). Hey, you're allowed to dream, aren't you?
Fisher Slim 1400 CD Player, I think that's a good one.
Sony 400-Watt Mini Hi-Fi System, yeeeah. I neeed it. Or, probably not.
Rascal Flatts Live (DVD & Audio CD), their newest CD "Feels Like Today", and their CD "Rascal Flatts". Yiihaaa.
SHOCKWAVE® Portable CD Player, gotta play my CDs on something. But the CD-player, of course.
Nokia 7250i Cell Phone, yep, gotta have it.
Digital Camcorder, useful every day. And every holiday. And every special event. Handy.
A 2005 CLK55 AMG Cabriolet, oh, I'm a dreamer.
Vehicle Schmehicle
Oh, I'm irritated. No, I'm not really irritated, just... perturbed by people's pertinaciousness. Yes, people have the right to think what they want, feel what they want, often times even do what they want, but heck: Some people walk around with their own apprehensions of things and refuse to adapt (or even consider) other views, and
that does perturb me.
One example (but I encounter these every day) is a conversation between John and me yesterday. I claimed that a trailer (one that is pulled behind a truck) is itself a type of vehicle. He, persistent and pigheaded as many times before, claimed that since the trailer doesn't actually have a motor and therefore cannot move by itself, the trailer isn't a vehicle. But; let's look at this, from
1. A device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance: a space vehicle.
2. A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle.
3. A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished.
4. A play, role, or piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company.
5. A substance of no therapeutic value used to convey an active medicine for administration.
6. A substance, such as oil, in which paint pigments are mixed for application.
As I claimed, trailer = vehicle. End of discussion. Of course, I'm for some reason not always taken seriously even though I have the right answer a lot of times, and that
does perturb me.
New E-Mail at Gmail
Yes. It's true. I have one of the more coveted e-mail addresses on the internet nowadays: This is the address people are buying for $100 on Ebay, and they're renting out their summerhouses in Hawaii and whatnot just to obtain one. To check my facts, look it up here:
All hype, yes, but for the people who have one before everyone else,
without having to pay for it that is, the hype about it is the cool part. And; the 1 Gb of storage, of course...
If you want to reach my at my new Gmail address:
Yesterday, I was watching Smallville as usual, and was well aware of that this was the season finale. Well... Aware, not prepared. The episode was sad from beginning to end, with among other things Lana leaving for Paris.
Other surprising elements included Lex being poisoned in his house probably by his father Lionel, who by the way was charged with first degree murder after a testimony from Chloe and Clark. He was denied bail, and this was also the likely reason for his "killing spree" that followed. Lex was, as previously mentioned, poisoned, and Chloe moved to a witness protection program house, which exploded at the end of the episode, with her in it. Lana moved to Paris, and Clark had an encounter with Jor-El, who strangled his father until he agreed to come to whereever he was. Clark was sucked into the cave wall to his father, Jonathan Kent was left behind unconcious. Scary.
Anyhow, this suspenseful ending is going to hunt me all summer, until the show returns, so I felt like sharing my worries. That's all. I'm outie.
Day of Academic Disaster
The day started normally, well, as normal as you can expect from someone who lives on the opposite side of the world from his real home. I woke up, ate breakfast, and then; a wonderful idea: ditching to finish memorizing all the bones in the appendicular skeleton, and to be prepared to take the quiz in 2. hour.
I ditched first hour, I thought, but when I was checked in at 8:16 I knew I was too early for second hour. Off to Drama class with Mr. Seely (and yes; the name
Sealy does him more justice). Drama. Important, but not fun. I had to do a improvised skit with a silent, feisty girl named CeCe. Very entertaining.
2. hour was what the whole thing was about. We were supposed to line up outside Mr. Williams' room, just like yesterday, and wait for him to call us in. Then we'd go in, sit down at one of the 4 stations, and we'd have 2 minutes to name 8 bones or parts of bones (for those not great in math: 15 seconds on each).
Today was special. I entered the room, and discovered that I'd forgotten to bring a pen, right when the teacher said "begin".
My two minutes were ticking. Mr. Williams threw me a pen, but I dropped it and it ended up under one of his aquariums. The second pen he threw I managed to catch, and I ran to the first station. I had named the 5 first bones when the teacher exclaimed "Stop. Change [stations]. Begin". I was panicing.
I made it through the quiz somehow, but after being thrown out of wack in the first 2 minutes, the ramining stations were compromised by trying to remember and name whatever I missed, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do well. The trials of Bio II could've discouraged me, if I didn't have only 6 more days of school...
No Party - Better Life
I went to the cafeteria after school, thinking that this might not be so bad. But then, in the room where the party was supposed to be, I found myself among the crowd not exactly coveted by those sane in mind. So I left. No party - if you could call 15 weirdos a party - can convince me to give up my own right to choose what to do. And I didn't want to enter that cafeteria, so I didn't. As easy as that. I stand for my right to party - or to choose not to.
What to Write
I felt an urge to write
something today, but I'm not really sure what. Has anything happened since yesterday? I think not. Today, after school that is, there's a party for all the students new to Blue Ridge, which is really idiotic if you think about it. Single out all the new people, put them in the cafeteria after school with one of the weirdest, oldest cows on the teaching staff, and turn on some funky 70's music, and you've got yourself a party. For losers, geeks and freaks, probably...
I think I have to go, seeing as Mrs. Harris (the cow-woman's name) refuses to leave me alone about the party, and insists that since I'm an exchange student, I ought to take part of this "wonderful bash". Shoot me now and get it overwith.
Got to go now, I have to get my groove on. Sure.
May 17th!
Yay! What day's today? Norway's national day! The Norwegian Independece Day! Ja, vi elsker dette landet... Wishing all my friends in Norway a spirited celebration!
Phoenix Ballgame
This weekend, on Friday and Saturday, we went to Phoenix to see a Diamondbacks game. We had a halfday on Friday, so we got out at 11:30 am, and departed for Phoenix at 2:15. First we went to the Navapache Hospital where Larry works to pick him up, and then we drove non-stop to Phoenix to be in time for the ballgame. Kim went with Jana in her car an hour or so before us, so they evidently got there before us as well.

Bank One Ballpark
We ate quickly at Sonic before the game, and then we went to the BOP (Bank One Ballpark) where the game was. The D-backs played the Expos, a Canadian team, and it was a close game right until the last inning, when the Expos got their last run and the game ended 4-3, the Expos being the winning team. Kind of sad, but hey; I got to see a pro baseball game!

Me, Jana, and Kim at the baseball game in Phoenix.
After the game we all (the family, me) went to our Residence Inn hotel, which had a nice swimming pool and everything, that we made use of afterwards (well, not me, I just don't submerge myself in water publically, but the younger children).
We left on this Saturday, and Kim, Ren and Jana stayed in Phoenix for a while to find Kim's brthday present: a cedarchest. Larry, I, and the younger children (Tim had stayed home in Lakeside for the trip) ate at Denny's and came home.
Scary Movie 3
I just felt I had to post a link to my favorite comedy movie, Scary Movie 3.
Check it out, it has funny quotes from the movie!
New Blog - New Style
You might wonder why I changed my blog to instead of BeBlog. Okay, this time I have nothing bad to say about my previous, free weblog provider, since it seemed to be a good one and as I said; Free. But it didn't provide pictures, which I feel is very important to get the whole "Oh, I see what you mean"-experience from a blog, and therefore I changed to this place. And, hopefully, I won't have to change back again due to any kind of irregularities...
Oh, Yeah
I never got to see Scary Movie 3 again yesterday, and now I'm sure it's been at least 4 months since the last time. But now there's finally a real chance I might get to see it again, with it being out on DVD and all, so my hopes are still up.
And yes, I did go and work out yesterday, at Bodyworks, ran 2, 5 miles in 35 minutes, and now I remember how good exercise feels. I'll try to go every day this week, but there's always the issue of time...
Daily Trivia
You might wonder what I'm writing for this time. Well, since it's my blog, I think I'm entitled to write about whatever I want, don't you? Yeah, so don't ask. Stop it! NOW! Ehmm... No, I'm not in a weird mood, I'm just kind of mixed up, that's all. Going home in a month, my cat Milo suddenly dying, my mom at home in Norway moving and all that has me sort of on the looney side nowadays.
Scary Movie 3 comes out on DVD and VHS today, and since it's the funniest movie since... well, the last funniest movie, I intend to see if we can rent it or something. Honestly; it is SO unbelievelable funny. When I saw it in the theaters when it first came out, I was laughing so hard I was crying. And I can't remember the last time that happened, so this movie I truly recommend.
What else...? Hmm. I'm finally a member of Bodyworks, a workout place here, like S.A.T.S. in Norway, and I should have done it sooner. But now I have to battle myself in order to drag my lazy body over there every day, and I still haven't managed to go there for my first workout yet. Yeah; I admit it: I AM lazy.
School Update: Still just A's, even with less effort on my behalf and more spare time, but a hard Bio quiz is coming up. I have to know most every important bone in the body, the different parts of them, and the corresponding muscles. By Tuesday. Me and my friends have started "The Lambdoidals", a study group for better memorization of our curriculum, named after the suture in the skull between the two Parietal bones and the Occipital bone (see, even the name helps us memorize).
Anything else? No. I think I've covered most that I logged on to cover, and I'm also thinking of posting my day-to-day account of the Hawaii and Washington, D. C./New York trips here, if not for anything else than my later memories and your amusement. I would appreciate your comments on my posts, whoever you are, and if I know you a little greeting would be nice. Okay, that's it.
I'm off (to my 2. home and maybe Bodyworks?), so I'll post again later.
Dissection in Biology II
We've spent the past couple of weeks dissecting a fetal pig. Yes, it was disgusting, but hey; what don't you do for grades nowadays?

Dissection is fun! We named our pig George.
Our first quiz on the dissection was about the muscles we uncovered after skinning the poor pig, the the thoracic system, stomach, urinary system, and then brain. Many times it was nauseating, but we were in pairs so we could switch when it got to bad. Oh, well. A pig here, a pig there. Bacon.
The Odd Couple
Today I was on the stage crew for the high school play; The Odd Couple (female version), featuring Necia Moffat, whom I know and who was with us to Hawaii. It was fun, I got to move stuff and change stuff during the intermission and the blackouts, so I guess that's a new, interesting experience.